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Path Press Publications

Wettimuny R.G. de S.

The Buddha’s Teaching, Its Essential Meaning

On the basis of the discourses, the essentials of the Buddha’s teachings are presented in short chapters and common errors of understanding are pointed out.

isbn: 9789460900860 | 224 p. | € 15,00

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 7,50

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 10,00
Ñāṇavīra Thera

The Tragic, the Comic and the Personal

Selected Letters

The Tragic, the Comic and the Personal serves as an excellent introduction to the writings of Ven. Ñāṇavīra Thera. The letters in this collection draw on the author’s deep familiarity with both the Suttas and the works of a variety of Western thinkers, and they contain discussions of a wide range of topics related to the Dhamma.

isbn: 9789460900303 | 78 p. | € 10,00

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 5,00
Ñāṇamoli Thera

The Middle-Length Discourses I

Majjhima Nikaya (1-50)

The complete manuscript of Ven. Ñāṇamoli’s translation of the Majjhima NikāyaThe Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, one of the major collections in the Sutta Piṭaka.

pdf | € 0,00
Ñāṇamoli Thera

The Middle-Length Discourses II

Majjhima Nikaya (51-100)

The complete manuscript of Ven. Ñāṇamoli’s translation of the Majjhima NikāyaThe Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, one of the major collections in the Sutta Piṭaka.

pdf | € 0,00
Ñāṇamoli Thera

The Middle-Length Discourses III

Majjhima Nikaya (101-152)

The complete manuscript of Ven. Ñāṇamoli’s translation of the Majjhima NikāyaThe Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, one of the major collections in the Sutta Piṭaka.

pdf | € 0,00
Keller Dellinger

Staring Into the Void

The Resolution of Nihilism Through Buddhist Practice

Staring Into the Void is essentially a conversation between existential and phenomenological philosophers and the Buddha, with the overarching aim of putting that conversation to use in resolving that core spiritual crisis that has crippled Western culture since Nietzsche: nihilism and the death of God.

isbn: 9789460900709 | 128 p. | € 0,00

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 0,00
Ajahn Nyanamoli Thero

The Only Way to Jhāna

Meditation according the early Suttas

This book offers a practical guide on how virtue and sense restraint, paired with ‘concurrent attention’, result in what the Buddha described as jhāna meditation or an experience elevated from any obstructive states.

isbn: 9789460900679 | 136 p. | € 0,00

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 0,00
Ñāṇavīra Thera

Clearing the Path (paperback)

Clearing the Path contains the text of Ñāṇavīra's revised Notes on Dhamma (1960-1965) together with 149 letters of varying lengths written by Ñāṇavīra to nine correspondents, which serve (as the author himself stated) as a commentary on the Notes. The texts are scrupulously edited, extensively annotated and cross-referenced by means of a comprehensive index.

isbn: 9789460900662 | 640 p. | € 25,00
Ajahn Nyanamoli Thero

Dhamma Within Reach

A Guide to Endurance, Patience and Wisdom

Dhamma Within Reach contains rewritten and expanded essays based on the transcripts from a selection of video and audio talks and discussions.


Available for free + actual shipping costs!

isbn: 9789460900549 | 90 p. | € 0,00

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 0,00
Sāmanera Bodhesako

Beginnings (ebook)

Collected essays

This book contains all the known published and unpublished essays by S. Bodhesako.

epub/mobi | € 10,00

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 10,00
Bhikkhu Hiriko

The Island Within

The Life of the Hermit Monk Bhante Ñāṇadīpa

Biography of the late Hermit Monk Bhante Ñanadipa (1944-2020).


Available for free + actual shipping costs!

isbn: 9789460900341 | 218 p. | € 0,00

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 0,00


€ 0,00
Ñāṇadīpa Thera

The Silent Sages of Old

Suttas from the Sutta Nipāta

Pali and English translation of key passages from the Sutta Nipāta by the late hermit monk Ñāṇadīpa Mahāthera.


Available for free + actual shipping costs!

isbn: 9789460900334 | 172 p. | € 0,00
Ajahn Nyanamoli Thero

Meanings (paperback)

Essays and Letters on Dhamma

A collection of essays describing the structure of experience and a lengthy correspondence mirroring the efforts to understand the meaning of Dhamma.

isbn: 9789460900297 | 448 p. | € 20,00

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 10,00
Bhikkhu Akiñcano

With the Right Understanding

Phenomenological Explorations of the Pali Suttas

A collection of essays focussing on the arising of right view. Because only with the right understanding can there be anything that deserves to be called ‘Buddhist meditation’.

isbn: 9789460900174 | 224 p. | € 15,00

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 7,50
Bhikkhu Hiriko

The Hermit of Būndala

Biography of Ñāṇavīra Thera, with reflections on his life and work

An attempt to compile all that is known about Ñāṇavīra’s life and thought. The book retells stories from after his death, about controversies, lost or burned letters, his surviving legacy, and the growth of interest in these writings till the present time. — Second, revised & updated edition!

isbn: 9789460900082 | 322 p. | € 20,00

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 10,00
Ñāṇavīra Thera

Collected Writings of Ñāṇavīra Thera (hardback)

Clearing the Path + Seeking the Path

Set-price, only available at the Path Press Publications website.

List-price: €70 (€35 each)

You save €20 !

€ 50,00
Sāmanera Bodhesako

Stringhoppers and Rabbitholes

Letters of a Wayfarer

A pastiche of letters about a man and his search for meaning; what he may have found, or ghosts of what may be found.

isbn: 9789460900068 | 414 p. | € 24,00

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 12,00
Sāmanera Bodhesako

Getting Off

A Portrait of an American Buddhist Monk

Getting Off is Samanera Bodhesako’s masterful narrative of his early years as a Buddhist novice and monk.

isbn: 9789460900051 | 288 p. | € 18,00

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 9,00
Ñāṇavīra Thera

Clearing the Path (hardback)


Clearing the Path contains the text of Ñāṇavīra's revised Notes on Dhamma (1960-1965) together with 149 letters of varying lengths written by Ñāṇavīra to nine correspondents, which serve (as the author himself stated) as a commentary on the Notes. The texts are scrupulously edited, extensively annotated and cross-referenced by means of a comprehensive index.

isbn: 9879460900044 | 640 p. | € 35,00

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 17,50
Ñāṇavīra Thera

Seeking the Path (hardback)

Early Writings (1954-1960) & Marginalia

Seeking the Path consists of Ñāṇavīra's extensive correspondence with Ñaṇamoli Thera from 1954-1959. These letters shed considerable light on the relations between the two men and provide a wealth of material on the formation of Ñāṇavīra's thought prior to his 'stream entry'. The remainder of the volume includes two early essays (Nibbana and Anatta and Sketch for a Proof of Rebirth) as well as notes from a Commonplace Book and Marginalia from books owned by Ñāṇavīra.

isbn: 9879460900037 | 688 p. | € 35,00

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 17,50
Sister Vajirā, Ñāṇavīra Thera

The Letters of Sister Vajirā

The Letters to Sister Vajirā documents the correspondence of the Ven. Ñāṇavīra Thera with Sister Vajirā (Hannelore Wolf, 1928-1991) between November 1961 and January 1962.

isbn: 9879460900020 | 136 p. | € 10,00
Ñāṇavīra Thera

Notes on Dhamma


The principal aim of these Notes on Dhamma is to point out certain current misinterpretations, mostly traditional, of the Pali Suttas, and to offer in their place something certainly less easy but perhaps also less inadequate.

isbn: 9879460900013 | 160 p. | € 20,00

ebook (epub/mobi)

epub/mobi | € 10,00

Other publishers

Bhikkhu Akiñcano

Making Sense of Dhamma

The Pali Suttas Workbook

This book offers a structured anthology of the Pali suttas. Each chapter deals with one theme from the Buddha’s teaching, providing you with some of the most important texts that relate to that theme. The chapters are organised in such a way that they offer a helpful framework for grasping the Buddha’s teaching in its entirety.

isbn: 9789460900853 | 352 p. | € 25,00


€ 10,00