Ñāṇamoli Thera

Ñāṇamoli Bhikkhu, born Osbert Moore, (1905 – March 8, 1960) was a pioneer British bhikkhu and Pali scholar, educated at Exeter College, Oxford. He discovered Buddhism via Julius Evola's The Doctrine of Awakening while serving in Italy during World War II. He joined the BBC after the war. In 1949 he went to Sri Lanka and ordained samanera with friend Harold Edward Musson (Ñāṇavīra Thera). In 1950 he received his bhikkhu ordination at Vajirarama Temple (Colombo), then studied with Ñāṇatiloka Mahathera at Island Hermitage, Dodanduwa, where he spent almost his entire monk life of 11 years. He is remembered for his scholarly work in translating from the Pali into English. By 1960 he had translated the Visuddhimagga into English as The Path of Purification as well as various other works such as a translation of the Majjhima Nikaya. He died suddenly while in pilgrimage at Majo (due to heart failure (coronary thrombosis)) and was cremated at Vajirarama. Other books include The Life of the Buddha and A Thinker's Note Book.
Books of this author
The Middle-Length Discourses IThe Middle-Length Discourses II
The Middle-Length Discourses III