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PPP ebooks available

Posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 10-08-2020

Most of our titles are as of today available as ebooks (epub and mobi):

  • Ñ??av?ra Thera, Notes on Dhamma
  • Bhikkhu Ninoslav Ñ??amoli, Meanings
  • Samanera Bodhesako, Getting Off
  • Samanera Bodhesako, Stringhoppers and Rabbitholes
  • Bhikkhu Akiñcano, With the Right Understanding
  • Bhikkhu Hiriko, The Hermit of Bundala

The second (paperback) edition of Meanings will be available from August 14.

more news:
> New book by Ajahn Ñanamoli Thero – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 23-10-2021
> The Hermit of Bundala – pre-order now! – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 05-01-2019
> Collected Writings – Set-price – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 23-07-2013
> Order now, pay later – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 24-04-2012
> ‘Clearing the Path’ and ‘Seeking the Path’ available! – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 17-06-2011
> Support our programm! – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 11-04-2010
> 'The Letters of Sister Vajira' available now! – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 18-01-2010
> Paypal available – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 20-11-2009
> 'Notes on Dhamma' available! – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 27-06-2009