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Posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 11-04-2010

Publications of Path Press has been made possible through the contributions of various individuals who, having themselves benefited from these writings, now have a personal desire to share them with a wider audience than has previously been possible. Plans for 2010 include the publishing of Seeking the Path (Early Writings of Ven. Ñ??av?ra Thera (1954-1960) and a revised edition of Clearing the Path, Writings of Ven. Ñ??av?ra Thera (1960-1965). For the realisation of this plans we need support!


These writings are probably not commercially viable; nor do they represent the views of any established sect, school or university which might sponsor their publication. The idea has been put forward that inasmuch as Path Press Publications has already published two books of this type (Notes on Dhamma and The Letters of Sister Vajir?) it could use that experience as a basis for issuing those occasional writings which are of exceptional merit and yet do not attract established publishers.


If this is to be done, it will require financial support: publishing is expensive, and we intend to price our books low enough to be affordable to all who are genuinely interested. Therefore the facilities of Path Press Publications can be utilized to issue these additional writings only with the help of those who agree with us that this is a worthwhile endeavour, and who are willing to support it with their contributions.


If you would like to support Path Press Publications financially you can use the PayPal-facillities at this page (Donate-button).

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more news:
> New book by Ajahn Ñanamoli Thero – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 23-10-2021
> PPP ebooks available – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 10-08-2020
> The Hermit of Bundala – pre-order now! – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 05-01-2019
> Collected Writings – Set-price – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 23-07-2013
> Order now, pay later – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 24-04-2012
> ‘Clearing the Path’ and ‘Seeking the Path’ available! – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 17-06-2011
> 'The Letters of Sister Vajira' available now! – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 18-01-2010
> Paypal available – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 20-11-2009
> 'Notes on Dhamma' available! – posted by Gerolf T'Hooft on 27-06-2009